Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kick Off

January 9th 2009

It's been a while but Kevin's Travel Journal is about to make its much-talked-about-but-little-seen return to prominence. Or at least regularity. The occasion, of course, is the start of my long awaited Asian Tour. This Tour has been my brainchild for the past five years, from the coffee shops of Montreal and lecture halls of McGill to month-to-month pay savings of Japan and the good people at UFJ Mitsubishi Ginko. I've finally managed to pull together a sufficient amount of funds to make this the trip I wanted it to be and with favorable weather patterns and planetary alignment it is time at last to set off. Departure date is set for January 16th from Osaka Port, headed straight for the Asian mainland via Shanghai. And so it goes.

The tentative plan is to travel south for warmth, through China to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. By Spring I hope to travel north into India and then back east again through China and to make Mongolia by summer. That's the short of it; the long of it will be doled out over the next several months as it happens. The who/what/when/where/why/how will hopefully entertain, inspire, motivate and captivate you – do not hesitate to show your enthusiasm with response emails or Western Union wires.

In response to past commentary I will be pro-actively curbing the worst excesses of my infamous prolific tendencies. That's not to say there will be absolutely no exercises in reader-patience, but I promise that the majority of entries will come in more manageable bites.

In keeping with that spirit I will end this first email here with one last double-invitation: if you'd rather save your in-box some space don't hesitate to let me know and I'll remove you from my send-list with minimal offense; on the contrary, if you or someone you know needs more Kevin in their life, send their email address my way and I'd be happy to add them to said send-list. Finally, for those of you who want all your Kevin in one convenient location, simply bookmark this page, the official repository of all things Kevin: past, present, and future.

Take care for now, ya'll


1 comment:

Mercedes said...

Got to get me some Kevin! Apologies, I had no idea that you had a blog. You have been promptly added to "Blogs I Love" list. I'm so jealous of your travel plans. Take care and can't wait to hear about your most recent adventure.